DM542T Logic Switch
I'm seeing a number of customers with the DM542T stepper driver complaining that it doesn't work with the T41U5XBB or PicoCNC. There is...

Calibrating grblHAL CNC system movement.
Every CNC motion control system relies on being able to move something like a spindle, laser, extruder, cutter and so on. And, it is...

Grbl control input buttons.
A customer's question got me thinking about this topic and I realized there needs to be a guide. A lot of machines do not use the control...

Modifying a T41U5XBB for lathe spindle sync
Supporting threading on a lathe with grblHAL The Teensy 4.1 based T41U5XBB is a good board for controlling a lathe with grblHAL but does...

Ethernet without Routers for grblHAL
Using Ethernet to control a CNC machine was once the province of high end professional CNC controllers. But now grblHAL supports Ethernet...

Using proximity sensors on a CNC Machine.
An inductive proximity sensor (IPS) is an excellent choice for limit or homing switches on your CNC machine. They are reliable,...

PicoCNC First Run Settings
Or, Help! It's not listening to me! You have put your new PicoCNC board together, built and loaded the firmware but when you hook up a...

Using Active Low Stepper Drivers with the PicoCNC
Typical stepper drivers expose both the positive and negative inputs of the opto-couplers but some older drivers do not. They often...

EMI - Science, Voodoo or DooDoo?
A way forward to deal with EMI. I've been building CNC machines for more than 20 years and while the technology has changed a lot, one...

So, what's wrong with Grbl on the Arduino?
Arduino Uno vs Pico Smackdown? In a word, nothing is wrong with the Uno. But, there is nothing wrong with the original IBM PC. Though, I...